I might be living with the next Dr. Phil. Hi I’m Lysa TerKeurst with Proverbs 31 Ministries. I have two sons that truly never argue. Now, before you paint unrealistic pictures of perfection for my household, know that I have other kids that more than make up for their brothers’ lack of disagreements. But Mark and Jackson just don’t struggle with this. So, the other day I asked my son Jackson about how he and Mark get along so well.
His reply was quite simple. He said, “Mom, if Mark does something that gets on my nerves I tell him ” I don’t like you doing that. Don’t do it.” And then Mark says okay and stops doing it.”
Wow. That’s good advice. We all seem to make all this relationship stuff so complicated. So, maybe I need to interject a little less complication- a little more gentle honesty- and some very basic listening skills. Thanks son.
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Am I Messing Up My Kids by Lysa TerKeurst